Monday, June 15, 2009

Mas Tradicional

Running on five hours of airplane sleep, I successfully made it to Buenos Aires. With a slight delay in arrival and mix-up with the meeting place with Jorge, I was driven around Buenos Aires and shown the basic sites, learning quite a few facts about this city. It is 90% Catholic (not all too surprising), is very modern and European with French (mostly in architecture), Italian, German, English and of course, Spanish influence. A huge percentage of this city’s population is immigrants, most coming from Peru, but there are large numbers of people from Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Costa Rica, etc, and I was told the chilenos are the best pick pocketers…

On the other hand, I was told Salta is the MOST (Jorge emphasized “mas”) traditional and cultural city in all of Argentina. Its colonial influence is so extensive, that it regularly attracts tourists. It is also known for its hilly terrain—I guess I’ll have to see it for myself in a few days…

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