Thursday, June 25, 2009


I am a very organized individual. I keep lists and like to know what I have to do, schedule appropriately, and complete everything way in advance whenever possible. Often, being extremely organized is seen as a positive character trait, however it does carry with it a lot of stress if things don’t go right or as I had planned.

During the past two years, each New Year I’ve set between 1-2 reasonable resolutions. One normally involves exercising more regularly, which never holds out for very long. However, the second somehow relates to my personality and ways to improve myself as an individual. I always used to consider myself a very pessimistic person because I hate to be disappointed. My resolution two years ago was to be more optimistic and find the good things in life, however big or small. With help from those close to me, and my own motivation to improve my outlook on life, I have kept up with this resolution relatively well (and I’ve been told by family and friends as well that I’ve improved).

My resolution this past year was to keep up with being optimistic. But I want another challenge that parallels the one I currently have. My adventure here in Salta seems to serve a purpose beyond helping the community here, and has introduced another resolution for me. Reduce my stress. One way of doing so is accepting life as it comes, especially when I can’t control it or organize it to my liking.

People say the first step to changing a problem, is admitting you have a problem. Now, being organized isn’t a problem and it’s a part of who I am, but the amount of stress I consistently carry with me is a problem.

Salta runs on a different clock then the life I’m used to. El comedor has no schedule, and I must adapt accordingly. I must accept that I leave every morning unaware of what I’ll have in front of me, and must adjust to what I’m given. That way, the day will not become stressful or frustrating, but will be seen as another adventure and as opportunity to remind myself that there will always be times in your life that you aren’t prepared and you have to accept it.

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