Friday, July 24, 2009

It was going TOO well

Something had to screw up, and it did. After a great day of painting tiles at two houses, with a total of 231, when I need 222 (in case some break), receiving a handmade scarf and hat from Elva as a gift, and learning to make tortillas, I got the bad news.

To make it even worse, Amalia wasn’t there to give me the bad news (even though she was at el comedor yesterday). Mari, the other main jefa wasn’t even there. I had to hear it from the third string jefa—thanks a lot.

I was leaving and wished everyone a good weekend and how I was excited to start pasting on Monday. Maria follows me out and says that Amalia told her I’m not allowed to use the wall we had originally planned to use. WHAT!?!?!?!

Amalia had given the “okay” over a month ago! I bought all the tiles over a month ago! I’ve been painting tiles with families for almost three weeks, and you tell me NOW, literally the last day I’ll be at el comedor PRIOR to starting the final step of the mural that I’m NOT allowed to use that wall?

I was so shocked with this news that my immediate reaction was in English, and I had to collect myself to ask “Why not?” And of course, Maria being the third-string, said she didn’t know and she was only relaying the message given to her by Amalia. Some nerve.

My two new wall options are as follows. One small wall inside the dining hall that has two windows in the middle—it would be physically impossible to put the mural there. The other option is to move all of the bookshelves standing against one of the walls and moving them to the other side and putting the mural on that wall. “But,” I said, “when we’re done pasting, the bookshelves will cover the entire mural!” Maria said they wouldn’t put the shelves back, and they would just stay on the other side. This could work if all three walls of the classroom weren’t already full of stuff—be it bookshelves or machinery or stacks of cardboard boxes filled with plastic tables bought by some previous volunteer that have yet to be used. Besides, the whole point of the mural was for the families to enjoy it while eating, and it wouldn’t be seen very often in the classroom. And I have no doubt in my mind, that eventually over time it would be covered up by paper or bookshelves, etc.

The original wall for the mural has never been used! There is nothing on that wall. Nothing. What could Amalia possibly need it for?

I am still shocked. I can’t believe she would do this, and so close to the end. It was a low blow.
So I’ve called Valeria who will consistently call Amalia all this weekend until she picks up her phone (of course, she didn’t pick up today, or else I would’ve already heard back). I will fight to the death for this if necessary. I cannot think of any reason that would prevent me from putting this mural up without some way around it. The only reason I can think of is that there are 2 or 3 very small hooks that we would have to remove in order to paste the tiles. If Amalia feels that strongly about those hooks, I will personally make sure new hooks are installed once the mural is done (I’ll even install them myself).

It’s unfortunate that such a great day (especially since the weather was so much better and the sun was out) ended with such miserable news. All I can do is wait. Like before, I should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The only thing is, the worst could be that I can’t put up the mural at all, and the money and time spent on these tiles will be worthless and a waste of an entire summer. I can’t even process that.

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