Monday, July 13, 2009

Por Fin, Buenas Noticias

Today was a successful day. It started out rocky since we made milanesa, so I was pounding meat for two hours, and I didn’t have the time I thought I would have to ask the moms to paint a few tiles. Also, not as many mothers showed up today (go figure). However, I did get two of the moms to paint tiles and one even said she’d like to paint two every day—and I have more than enough! Also, I asked about my idea to go to a different house each day and paint with the kids. They all thought it was the best idea and I now officially have house calls at different homes tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. Ideally, the word will get around and I’ll meet with different kids each day.

I also found out from Valeria that Amalia knows a few men that would be able to help me put the tiles on the wall. All I need to do is let her know a few days ahead of time when I’m ready to starting pasting, and it’ll be organized!

Now, all I need is to keep a steady rhythm of painting tiles with the kids, and ideally I can put the entire mural up in a few days toward the end of the month! Wish me luck!

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