Sunday, July 12, 2009

Music on my mind

I’ve noticed an odd pattern in the songs that have come to mind throughout my time here in Salta. I didn’t bring an iPod, and I haven’t listened to music on my laptop (or really wanted to), so during my long walks around town, bus rides to and from the center (totaling over an hour a day), and traveling, I’ve found myself consistently humming. Not really singing, as I’d prefer that the surrounding individuals don’t hear me. It would make me stand out even more and give them more reason to obnoxiously stare.

To be honest, whether or not you choose to believe me, Friday night, on my walk back to the hostal from dinner, I found myself in a particularly good mood, and decided that I hadn’t skipped in awhile. So I did just that. I skipped back to the hostal. But I did stop anytime a car or bike went by since I thought my skipping might increase my chances of being robbed, and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself at night, in a strange pueblo, as a small white girl. But it was fun.

But back to the music. Most of them have been patriotic tunes. One day walking to the bus stop, I caught myself humming “The Star Spangled Banner.” Another time, I was humming “America, the Beautiful.” The next day I was humming my high school’s alma mater, even though I don’t even know the words!

And when I walked up the mountains at Las Ruinas de Quilmes, I started singing “Go Tell It On The Mountain.” At this moment, I started laughing. I guess it seemed appropriate since I was literally on top of a mountain, but it only made my list of songs even stranger.

I’ve never considered myself extremely patriotic or religious or intensely devoted to my high school so I haven’t quite figured out why these songs decided to pop into my head. Is it my mind’s way to bringing home with me wherever I go or illustrating that I miss the states? I haven’t missed the U.S. all that much, but I think that’s mostly because I know I’m only here for two months—and in the grand scheme of things, that’s no time at all.

I honestly have no solid idea why these songs came up—and please know that none were hummed on purpose. My mind wanders while walking or sitting in the bus, and it takes me awhile before I realize exactly what tune I’m humming. I’ll do my best to note what songs come up later on to see if a pattern continues.

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